The Congregation of Our Lady of Fatima Sisters, [OLFs] Nigeria is an active Apostolic Religious Institute of Apostolic life. lt was founded by Bishop John Reddington, SMA, (of blessed memory. first Bishop of Jos) on 13th January, 1965 for a mission of holistic evangelization.

The OLF Sisters make it their aim to evangelize people in ways that are deeply rooted in the gospel values and African culture, according to the signs and needs of the times – ‘bringing Christ to the world and the world to Christ, nurturing the seed of God already present in every culture.

The Congregation took off in Shendam in 1965 with Shendam as our Mother House. The Pioneer members moved to Jos on 15th January, 1968 to open the first Professed Sisters’ Convent in Danja Street.


From 1968 to 2019 we, Our Lady of Fatima Sisters established Communities and Institutions of ours and those of the Dioceses to which we were invited, which enabled us to carry out the mission of evangelization guided by our charism of “Generous and Spontaneous service to the children of God’ and the spirit of ‘Faith and Simplicity’.

Since the actualisation of God’s love in the world is the mission of Our Lady of Fatima Sisters, we see our Apostolate as work of love and commit ourselves to spreading God’s love and mercy in the world. We strive to be joyful witnesses and enthusiastic Sowers of the seed of hope in God’s people through our lifestyle and apostolic activities and ministries

We are involved in Pastoral ministries such as; giving retreats, Counseling, Spiritual direction, care of Families, Youths, inmates of correctional centres, Catechesis, giving talks, facilitation of workshops in various disciplines and are actively involved in the pastoral life of the parishes and Dioceses in which we live and work. We give special care to vulnerable children/youths and those living with disabilities through the Liliane Fund Ministry. We also offer empowerment for life, facilitate processes for holistic growth and transformation in people such as youths, women, widows, orphans, children and families by means of our educational, healthcare and integrated services. (Golden jubilee celebration brochure, 2015).

This mustard seed that was sown in Shendam in 1965 has given birth to twenty [20] communities cutting across eight states in Nigeria and a Region in Ghana: Plateau state (Jos, Pankshin, Shendam), Kaduna state, (Kaduna, Zaria), Kano state (Kano), Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), Nasarawa state (Akwanga, New Karu), Adamawa state (Jimeta), Taraba State, (Yakoko), Niger state (Gwada) and in Ghana (Sang, in Northern Region of Ghana).

Our Lady of Fatima Sisters, empowered by God, united in love and relying on God’s grace and the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, will continue to be steadfast Seekers and Builders of God’s Kingdom on earth and bringers of God’s love and mercy to all people after the example of our Father Founder, Bishop John Reddington, who enjoined us to always ‘seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing will fall in line’ (cf Matthew 6:33, OLF Constitutions Page xi).