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John Reddington Memorial College Ampang West, is situated in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State Central zone. The School was formerly known as Equal Right Secondary School. The School is named after the first Bishop of the then Jos Diocese.(Bishop John Reddington) of blessed memory. He’s the founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima and a seasoned Administrator and an Educationist to the core. He advocated for Grassroots Evangelization and Education; little wonder he favourite saying is”Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33)

Therefore, it was in the light of this injunction,that the School was born and is growing into what God intended it to be, and through the initiative of the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima. The School is co educational in nature and it offers wholistic education for all categories of people who are lovers of education. We have a conducive atmosphere for learning and so no opportunity is taken for granted. It is in the light of this that Our school’s motto is “Bloom where you are planted”,that is just the summary of who we are.

Note please;the school was bought over from a private owner,Mr Yohanna  Gurumshwar,we’m took over the School on the 1st/04/2014. It’s now managed by the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima.

Get in Touch

John Reddington Memorial College,
P.O.Box 10, Pyem,Ampang West.
Mangu Local Government Area.
Plateau State, Nigeria.

Phone number: 07039217818